We highly recommend exams for children as it gives them something to work towards and achieve. Students will receive a report and a medal or trophy depending on the examination.
There are attendance requirements for students wishing to participate in exams (see below). Participation in holiday classes is also expected! Graded R.A.D exams are usually held in July/August; Vocational R.A.D exams may be later in the year, with Comdance exams held in October.
The following exams are studied:
(Note: this is a guide only – ages may vary)
Tinies and Prejunior – these children are offered a Studio presentation (like a mock exam) during the year where they will receive a certificate and medal.
* Must attend 1 ballet class per week in addition to the jazz class to sit an exam.
** Must attend 2 ballet classes per week to sit an exam. Vocational grades (above Grade 5) have longer classes.