Students in this age group can mix and match several dance styles with classes offered in the following styles.

Classes for all ages and levels are available in Acrobatics. Acrobatics enhances children’s strength and flexibility and is exceptionally good for all growing bodies. Besides this – the children just “Love It”.

Boys Classes
Once again this year we will have BOYS ONLY tap classes and BOYS ONLY Hip Hop classes. This allows us to focus on the boys with tailored classes that are designed to keep them engaged whilst having fun.
Classical Ballet
The basis on which to learn any form of dance. Students are prepared for RAD (Royal Academy of Dance) Examinations. Two classes per week are required for exam entry. Extra ballet extension classes are offered to GR4+ on Saturdays.

A popular form incorporating moves from many styles of dance.

Hip Hop
All the latest music, all the latest dance steps, this popular class is sure to be a favourite. These classes will not be technique based, but great for fitness.

These classes are quick moving and challenging, featuring today’s jazz styles including appropriate technique. Exams are available in these classes for all ages in the CSTD syllabus. For exam entry in Grades 2 and above it is a requirement to also take a weekly ballet class.

Musical Theatre
Singing and Acting training is important to all dancers, as it enhances their performance skills and encourages them to speak and perform expressively. The children are taught to be effective communicators and it increases confidence and self esteem.

A solid learning ground for all keen tap students. Students work towards C.S.T.D Tap examinations.